Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Compassion

Goddess of Compassion

My Interpretation of the Card

You need to hold more compassion for yourself. You can question your self-worth and don’t hold yourself with high value, and it’s time to turn that thinking around. You need to see yourself as the beautiful talented being that you are. We all make mistakes – that’s part of being human. Just don’t get caught up on belittling yourself over those mistakes. Move forward and learn a lesson from your choices. Don’t get caught up in negative cycles that bring you down. You need to pick yourself and hold your head up high.

Goddess of Compassion

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The Goddess of Compassion has shown up to ask you to be more compassionate towards yourself. At the core of every living thing, love exists. All that you perceive to be good or bad are necessary aspects of who you are; positive and negative qualities exist in everything. Self-criticism is diminishing your self-worth and keeping you in the illusion that you need to improve in order to be worthy of success, happiness and fulfilment. Have compassion; love and accept all of who you are, as you are, and stop striving for something that is impossible for you to be. Through love, your life magically transforms.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I got the message of having more compassion for the self quite right. So, that’s a positive. Then I decided to be more specific and the guidebook meaning went on a grander scale of love. I feel like sometimes I get "don't be silly and move on" type of feelings from the cards, which is sometimes what you have to tell people, so I just type that out in these practise sessions.

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