Angel, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of New Life

Angel of New Life

My Interpretation of the Card

This beautiful card speaks out about a transformation coming. There is a beautiful flower and it’s coming into bloom. The path ahead is golden and there is light guiding you along the way. Sometimes in life we need to close one chapter in order to go forward. Sometimes we leave others behind for good purpose as we grow. Sometimes we may have had something stagnant in our lives and we’re needing that push for something more. Sometimes our careers aren’t working the way we planned. It’s all okay. Everything is set on the path the way it’s supposed to. You’re coming into your being and there are great opportunities ahead. Embrace what’s to come with an open heart and soon you will see life starting to fall into place.

Angel of New Life

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Over the new few days or weeks you will find a new sense of purpose and clarity. Mew, magical and exciting things are about to unfold as you are intuitively guided to explore new possibilities and avenues. You will start to uncover aspects of yourself that you didn’t know you had. Embrace this period of your life and know that the past is behind you. Your life is changing and you are forever evolving with light and love. Enjoy the journey and all the blessings that come your way.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
It probably wasn't good that I was watching a live read whilst doing this card interpretation. I thought this card was beautiful! I had never had it come up in any readings I've done for myself so I've never really seen it. I took the route of transformation and I think it's similar in the guidebook meaning but just expressed differently. Good effort even though I am distracted watching another reader give readings.

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