Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Pleasure

Angel of Pleasure

My Interpretation of the Card

The Angel is here today to remind you to see the brighter things in life. Approach everything with an open heart and be open to all situations. There is pleasures to experiences in even the smallest things in life. It is seeing the brightness, even if it’s a tiny amount, in the things you do. Don’t be too judgemental when it comes to new experiences. Be like a child and be amazed in all the things you do. That wonder and passion to approach things we an honest and open heart brings the most pleasure. Remember the times when you felt good in taking on a project, a creative hobby or going out to do something that brings a smile to your face. Don’t get too bogged down with routine and take some time to gain those pleasures in life that you love.

Angel of Pleasure

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The message is for you to start taking pleasure in the things you do. It’s not all about hard work achievement and performance. You need to think about what is important and that is making the most of the moments in your life. start to do more things that bring you pleasure as well as bringing pleasure to those you love, work with or study with. You will become less stressed as you start to apply this in your life and feel more accomplished at the same time.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I made mine slightly detailed but I was on the right track. Another beautiful card with bright colours and a fun scene. 

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