Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Prayer

Angel of Prayer

My Interpretation of the Card

You’ve been praying or asking for some much needed guidance. You’ve been feeling a bit off lately and maybe even confused and lost. Maybe things aren’t going your way so you’ve been asking the Angels, Gods and Goddesses for assistance to give some insight to get you onto the right path. The Angels have heard you and are here to help. You can reach out and they will give you the clarity you seek. Sometimes we don’t always get the answers clear enough to guide ourselves onto the right path. Just know that the Angel is here to clear out the crap for you to see the truth.

Angel of Prayer

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You do not need to solve or tackle everything on your own. The Gods, Goddesses asnd Angels are always listening and all you need to do is ask for their help and guidance. Prayer does not need to be formal like that in organised religion. You can communicate with all beings of light in your own way. The universal power is your loving friend. The pure essence of creation responds immediately to all your requests, however, due to the universal law of choice, it will not act or intervene unless asked to do so. Discuss your current issue or any other fears or concern with the Angel of Prayer and know that they are here to guide.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I went on a more simplistic approach this time. It was nice to read about that the essence of creation can respond to requests but only intervene when asked. I guess I don't do this myself so never ask for intervention and let things go about their course, so I don't think I would be quick to recommend it to someone else. I am a believer in letting things pan out as there is always a lesson to be learned even if it's not clear at the time.

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