Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Soul Love

Angel of Soul Love

My Interpretation of the Card

It is essential that you focus on some much needed self-care. You might have placed the needs of others before your own and neglected your needs and wants. You may have just put yourself down and not believed in yourself towards your hopes and dreams. The Angel is here for you to find the love of self once more or guide you if you have never focused on self-love. You are a beautiful being that may be lost but there is some nurturing that needs to take place. Trust that you will be guided to a better loving self and the Divine is here to help you. Maybe you’ve never had the time to focus on yourself but without the uplift, you may cloud your mind with negative thoughts. The Angels want to assist in getting you to your positive self, and from there, then you can help others.

Angel of Soul Love

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The world around you is a reflection of your inner world, beliefs and feelings. There is a person or group of people who keep putting your down and undervaluing what you say and do. The Angel is here to help you and heal you through these hurtful and painful situations. From a higher perspective, this all happens as an act of love. The people present in your life are there to help you face your own feelings of inadequacy, self-worth and self-love. They are there to tech you to stand up for yourself regardless of what others think or say. You are a wondrous being of light and love. You are loved and valued more than you will ever know. There is nothing you need to change about you except the perceptions you have about yourself. Start to have loving thoughts for yourself as you are perfect just the way you are.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I went down the road of one person, but didn’t think about outside an influence, which does make sense. I did however get on the right path of self-care which helps with self-love and I think that’s important. Good effort today.

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