Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Self Worth

Angel of Self Worth

My Interpretation of the Card

We all have some self-doubt that we throw towards ourselves. Sometimes we think we’re not worthy and that our efforts are not good enough. We lose that self-confidence when people use words or actions against us, then we start to believe what they say. The Angel is here today to reclaim some of that self-power. You are worthy off anything that you hope and desire. There is no one out there that can say otherwise. You have skills and talents that may not have had the time from you to be developed. This is your time to shine and really explore hobbies or passions that you may have pushed away due to your own self-doubt. You can call upon the Angel to give you the confidence to do anything. Just trust and believe!

Angel of Self Worth

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You are currently undervaluing yourself. You are so much more than the person you portray to the world. The Angel is here today to reflect onto you all the beauty, love and light that you are and to help you regain your sense of self-worth. Feel the healing light and affirm to yourself: I am a being of light and love. I love and value the many wonderful qualities I possess. From this moment forward I will honour and value myself, all I am and do, in the knowledge that I am part of God’s creation. I am worthy of love. Repeat this affirmation several times a day and truly believe in the words. You will soon start to value yourself like how others do.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I went on a different path but still feel the message came about the same way. I am not sure that I would give out affirmations unless I was told by spirit that it should be passed on.

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