Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Space Clearing

Angel of Space Clearing

My Interpretation of the Card
Buried in our subconscious, we may have been hurt or upset from someone’s actions and have certain reactions to situations based on a long ago past memory. It cycles through into our every day lives without us realising. You have had the same negative thoughts or feelings come up time and time again which inhibits you. It’s time for release and the Angel is here to help you do that. If you can let it go, then it lifts the weight you carry. You are so much more than the negativity that can cloud your mind and it’s about freeing yourself so that positive thoughts can flow through. Trust in the Angel to bring you the guidance that is needed to take you through the steps to clear your path. This card is not only about mental clearing but can also indicate moving stuck energy in your physical space.

Angel of Space Clearing

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
The Angel has come today to help clear negative thoughts and feelings that have arisen from a result of past mistakes and regrets. These unconstructive thoughts are the reason for the stress in your life. They may be causing you to be confused and preventing positive energy from entering your life. Close your eyes and feel the loving presence of the Angel who wants to clear these unwanted thoughts and emotions. Imagine yourself showered in light and it penetrating your heart whilst a rainbow beams penetrates your mind. Feel your thoughts relax and your emotions become clear, calm and balanced. Give thanks for this healing.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I tried to think about the root cause of someone’s negativity as I read the card. I again don’t always go straight into a healing with light as a go to method, because I feel like any card can read this same message. I like to see what the card could mean if I were giving it to someone as a reading.

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