Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of The Shadows

Goddess of The Shadows

My Interpretation of the Card

We all have a dark side. We need to acknowledge and embrace it in a positive way. You need to do away with thinking your shadow side is a “bad” thing. There is much to learn from our dark side and grow from. There is a hidden answer, even if you don’t see it now. Sometimes we can wallow and stay in the negative, but it’s how strong and resilient we are, that allows us to overcome any situation that looms within the darkness. If we can see the light, and apply it, there is a transformation for us to rise from. The dark side keeps us balanced and teaches more about ourselves than we care to consider. Turn that negative into a positive. You have the power to do this. Ask for guidance from the Universe to assist you and light your way.

Goddess of The Shadows

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Realise that any perception or belief you have about yourself or others is actually a deception more than it is a perception. What you perceive to be your dark side or shadow self holds a hidden treasure. As humans, we rarely see the full picture of any situation because we are stuck in the illusion of good and bad. You judge your positive and negative qualities and strive to be more of what you perceive to be positive, whilst attempting to disown or neglect those aspects which you consider to be negative. By holding this belief, you fail to realise that all serves a purpose, and that all benefits you in some way. Everything in our world is made up of positive and negative charges, which together make a whole. You have been guided to choose this card by your soul, because you are ready to move to the next level of conscious awareness. Over the coming months, you will find yourself questioning many of your long held beliefs and realise that many are illusions that only keep you feeling inadequate or restricted. This card heralds a start of an empowering period in your life, which brings to the surface many beautiful experiences and opportunities, which in the past you never thought possible.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I was on the right track and probably could have gone into more depth. I like the guidebook meaning explaining the perception of ours is actually a deception. I really resonated with it and will remember this for when I do actual readings.

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