Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Strength

Goddess of Strength

My Interpretation of the Card

Always speak your truth in a considerate way. You need to stand up for what you believe in and not let people walk all over you. Maybe you fear the reactions of others and their response to what you have to say. Don’t be deterred if people don’t agree with what you’re saying. What you say or do needs to be said and done. Be assertive but not aggressive. Although there may be disagreements, it’s about coming to common ground in what needs to be done. Don’t allow someone to derail your ideas in your project, career, relationships or life. Draw on the strength of the Divine in order to amp you up in getting your message across in an appropriate manner. Don’t be scared or fearful to speak your truth.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

There are times in life where you need to just walk away and let go of. However, at this point in time, the Universe is encouraging to stand for what you believe in with regards to a situation you are currently facing. The Universe is testing your faith and resolve. Stand firm in your beliefs and do not allow resentment or anger to fester. It is possible to be both loving and strong. You will gain much respect from others by standing your ground. At the same time, you will have broken a long-standing pattern of not standing up for yourself, that has affected your life experiences for a long time. Congratulations!

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Beautiful card. I think I got the gist of the meaning correct. Happy with my interpretation.

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