Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of the Unknown

Goddess of the Unknown

My Interpretation of the Card

Life is full of unknowns. We never know what it can bring and this adds the mystery to our lives. You have some fear and doubt in your heart for the future. The Goddess is here today to show you to have no fears or worries. There is something that’s coming that is going to light up your life. You just need to let go and have an open heart and mind to let this new beginning take place. What is the worst that can happen by embracing the unknown? This card has appeared to let you know that you don’t need to worry as you are protected on the next part of your journey. There is always those in Spirit to assist you and they would never take you onto a path you can’t handle. Remove the fear and just trust in the Divine timing on your path.

Goddess of the Unknown

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Only through the darkness of the night are we able to see the beautiful tapestry of light which stems from the stars above. This card is here to help you ease your fears about the future and the unknown. Even though you presently cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are being urged by the Goddess to trust. You are always on the right path even when you think you’ve strayed completely off it. A major chapter in the story of your life has recently come to a close and an exciting new chapter is soon to begin. Through the current emptiness, the seeds of fertile new future sprout through. Soon, you will see the light shining as brightly as ever.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I thought the opening line from the guidebook meaning was quite beautiful. Sometimes I think maybe I should work on my delivery, so then my interpretation sounds more flowing and pretty. I think I nailed this one on the head. It's the final card so now I can move onto free readings for 2 weeks with this deck :)

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