Energy Oracle Cards - Action



My Interpretation of the Card


It’s time to take action in your life. Whatever you’ve been putting off, pushed aside or afraid to do, this card has come up today to take heed. The white horse looks swift in action which represents to go forth, take control of you life, project or goals and though the black horse stays back, a little bit reserved, it represents some doubt that we sometimes have before taking the leap. Trust that the time is now to put things into action. The universe is ready to take you to greater heights.


In reverse, this card shows some hesitation and doubt you hold against yourself and your abilities. You don’t want to miss out on opportunities that arise because you aren’t willing to take action due to this doubt. Do away with negative thoughts that bring your vibration down and trust the openings that appear for you. This card could also indicate wrong timing for something you want to execute. Try and gauge the environment before expressing your ideas or projects. Don’t take it to heart. Just because it doesn’t feel right now, doesn’t mean there won’t be a time to go ahead.


Guidebook meaning – Summarised

 Energizing Effort, Willingness to Work


This card is telling you to move aggressively forward in your actions. You are on the right track and your efforts need to increase towards your goals. The white horse is based on your inner action of thought and spirit and then the black horse is the outer work that still needs to be done. Trust and you’ll start to see results.


When this card pops up in reverse, you may need to be mindful of the actions you’re taking and need to make adjustments. There may be consistent effort lacking or not enough determination. If you can create a plan and take daily action, this will allow you to move closer towards your goals. Only you have the power to maintain consistence and you may have to make flexible arrangements in order to achieve your goals.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
Almost got it right with the Upright card. My reversed interpretation not so much. Didn't think about not enough effort and more about how someone could be their own worst enemy in achieving their goals. Still sort of related but not quite.


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