Energy Oracle Cards - Patience


Apologies on the lateness. Been a hectic weekend and I was halfway through this on Friday before I got totally busy.


My Interpretation of the Card


Patience pays off. Good things do come to those who wait. There is an angel holding a clock that is illuminated  indicating that in time good things do arrive. When good things do arrive, it will place a great smile on your face. Know that you are always guided and the buds on the branches of the trees indicated once the timing is right, they will start to bloom. New opportunities and positive outcomes are on their way. Whether you’ve been working hard on a project and results are near, looking to start a new relationship or you’re looking for new and exciting adventure, when it feels right, then you will see the benefits at the right time.


Nothing can be gained by disrupting the natural flow of events. Maybe you’re rushing something to come along or pushing something that isn’t ready yet. Impatience will see things can go in disarray. Just take a moment to step back and breathe. Sometimes we need to appreciate the journey of what we’re doing than forcing things to happen. When you feel like things are not going to plan, seek guidance from spirit. Timing is everything and there is so much to benefit from your hard work by having patience. This could also be a time where you patience is being tested by others. Remember to approach any situation calmly to gain a fair result and not upset anyone.


Guidebook meaning – Summarised

Peaceful Presence, Letting Go of Desperation


When this card is upright, it’s telling you to relax. The angel is peaceful and is holding a clock in the stillness of winter. It’s time to let go of single minded desperation and try to view things from a clearer perspective. When you are looking at only one solution, you’re blocking all the possible solutions to come forth. Try and be flexible and open to receiving what may come. Try to quiet your mind and let what the universe give you options you may not have thought of. Be patient and broaden your horizon.


Don’t give up on your goals and dreams. Some redirection is needed when this card is in reverse. Keep an eye out for new opportunities that pop up as they might be what you need to get you where you need to be. Open up to the possibilities, even if they don’t seem clear right now and keep moving forward. Don’t panic or feel the urgency to rush things along.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I felt like the guidebook meanings seem quite similar from upright to reversed position. Both advising to be patient in different ways. I think my effort was good for this card. Definitely growing in how I would advise.


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