Energy Oracle Cards - Deceit



My Interpretation of the Card


This card in upright position indicates someone in your life is going to betray or deceive you, which will have upsetting impact on you. Whoever you have a bad feeling of, just walk away. They may be using sly and manipulative words to try and get you on their side, but please be weary. The person on the card shows money being lost. There may be some gamble you might have wanted to take with someone but now is not the time to take the risk. Don’t be too eager to join in any agreement that involves money as this card warns to be cautious in financial matters. The person to deceive you may be wearing a mask and once the mask is off, you get to see their true colour but after some detriment to you.


In reverse, this card indicates you are coming out of some recent deceit from someone you may have trusted. It’s okay to walk away from someone that has brought toxicity in your life. Don’t doubt your decision. That person was not going to treat you with the respect you deserve. If they deceived you out of money, don’t focus on being upset for too long over this matter. You will get over it and walk away. Remember to ask for guidance and let the light lead the way. There is nothing you can do to change that situation and it’s time to move forward.



Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Hidden Tactics, Manipulation


This card comes as a warning. There is someone hiding behind a curtain whether it be personally or professionally. There is some deception coming up in your life and this person may be disrespecting you or others and possibly manipulating the situation. Be aware of what is happening in your life and be on alert. The man is holding a bag of money and something valuable so watch your money. There is a possibility that the deception is coming from within yourself – whether you’re having some self-esteem issues, you’re lying to yourself or you’re not taking the time out to care for yourself.


This card in reverse shows the deceit in your life is coming to an end or about to pass. The negative energy is on its way out and this is a time to create a peaceful and open environment for yourself. This may also indicate that you own self-deceit is about to pass and that you’re ready to accept your own value and power. Be honest with yourself and the truths will bring value in your life.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Thought that this was a good effort. Besides some internal deception, I thought this card may be about the people surrounding us. Another good lesson :)


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