Energy Oracle Cards - Hostility



My Interpretation of the Card


This card indicates that you are being challenged. Your automatic reaction is to be on the defensive as people come towards you with a front. Try to approach the situation with a level head and not get too hot headed. Every situation can be resolved with some common ground. Don’t be too keen for attack on others if they are trying to attack you. Take a more sensible approach to avoid unwanted feelings of anger or rage. This card may also indicate the inner battle you have with yourself. This may leave you scatter brained and full of self-doubt. It’s time to take some control over your inner wellbeing.


This card in reverse indicates you walking away from some recent hostilities. You may be tired and drained from the situation because of all the energy it would have taken you to be in it. It’s okay to walk away from the situation and take some time to reassess what was done and said. Think over the situation and ensure that no ill feelings are left within any argument or fight that you may have had with others. This card may also indicate some internal conflict you may need to resolve. You’re ready to move forward with some constructive steps you’ve laid out for yourself in your goals.



Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Defenses Up, Aggressive Energy


When this card is upright, it indicates a hostility about to reveal itself or there is hostility towards you at this moment. This can be either verbal or emotional. There may be someone in your persona life being hurtful towards you or someone at work that may be backstabbing. Whatever the situation, don’t let the energy take over in your life and it’s time for you to gain control. By allowing this type of negativity to surround you, it will continue attract the same type of energy. You need to stand up for yourself.


This card in reverse indicates the ending of hostility for you. There has been a shift within you and this has spread outwardly. This comes with more peace and harmony in your life. there may still be some resolution to be had but you have taken the steps to turn things around. You’ve managed to intervene in these hostilities and raise your inner well being.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
Thought my interpretation was a bit more personal than broad. It's a good step in my opinion.


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