Energy Oracle Cards - Door to Personal Healing and Happiness


Door to Personal Healing and Happiness

My Interpretation of the Card


You may have had a really bad time lately or have needed some time out for some self-care. Whatever the circumstances, this card has come up today to show you that the door to personal healing and happiness is wide open and you just have to walk through. You may feel like you’ve had a lot on your plate and it’s left you depleted, but this card has come up to really show you that you need to take the time out to look after yourself. You may have recently gone through some traumatic event and needed some time to reflect on that, though it’s time to regain your strength to returning to the true you. There are things to be appreciative of even in the darkest of times.


This card indicates that you have been open to the possibilities of personal healing and happiness and are currently thriving in it. You took the time to recognise your need to focus on self-care and took the steps to get into your own well-being. You’ve shut out anything that was bringing you down and closed off any distractions that may have deterred you from looking after you. It’s time to gives thanks to the universe for presenting opportunities that have allowed you to work on your own happiness.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 New Beginnings in Your Personal Life


This card is indicating some positive change to come your way, whether it’s breaking through an old habit or need for some inner healing. There may also be some external changes for the positive, in moving to a new house, getting a new job or your life is opening up to new opportunities. The doors are open to giving you wonderful results so set your intentions and aim for optimistic expectations.


You may feel stuck with your personal intention and specific plans you may have set are being blocked. Remember that your intentions need to be clear and there shouldn’t be doubt surrounding them. You deserve to see results on what tasks or goals you’ve set yourself though you need to know that you’re capable of it. Really put your heart into your efforts and new beginnings will come into your focus.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Ok, so I took a very different approach to this card. When I saw a door to personal healing and happiness, I saw it as that is something that is lacking in your life and it's time for you to step through to the other side - not that it already exists in your life. This I believe has been the second time in which I have got the meanings opposite from the guidebook. I mean, if I was doing this reading for another, the message might come up clear as day from spirit. Really, I think on this card, it would mean I'd have to see what comes to me on the day.


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