Energy Oracle Cards - First Chakra, Archangel Michael
/First Chakra, Archangel Michael
My Interpretation of the Card
Archangel Michael comes today to warn that your root chakra is out of balance. But don’t worry he’s here to help you. There may be some insecurities you’ve been holding and really having your identity questioned. This is the time to connect with Michael through meditation to let some healing begin. You need to feel grounded and search for your true self. This could also involve some issues around your physicality – whether this be insecurity or you need to focus on your health to get back to a good balance.
In reverse, this card indicates a good connection that you’ve discovered to your root chakra. You’ve had Michael guiding you through your fears and issues that needed some time to work through. Though it may not seem like you are making movement, just know that slow progress is progress nonetheless. By working on your health, this helps to your inner wellbeing. Continue to call on Michael to work through anything that you still feel is lingering.
Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Stability and Security
Michael holds an orb at the base chakra and this is where your stability and security is stored. In upright position, this is where the energy is free flowing regarding these issues. Though you might think they are hard challenges to overcome, they will be resolved at this time. Michael is here to be your strength. You can take action and move forward when you have taken faith in your own power and security.
In reversed position, you may be facing some difficult emotions or challenges. You are blocked in your first chakra and this unveils your fears, insecurity and maybe depression. This could signify money woes or desperation. Call on Michael for assistance and visualise light filling you and surrounding you. You need to get the energy moving through this space. Meditate and feel the sense of safety and balance come back to you.
**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead.
Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I sort of got it but so differently. I feel once again that maybe my meanings need to swap.