Energy Oracle Cards - Door to Spirit


Door to Spirit

My Interpretation of the Card


The door to connect with spirit is wide open. Whether you are enhancing your psychic ability, connecting to the other side or feeling that your intuition is enhanced, this is the time for you to be the most of your spiritual self. The Divine is waiting for you also to really open up to your abilities and skill whilst also allowing you to connect spiritually. If you have also felt a bit lost lately, just know that you are always guided by the light. Let the light in as it’s there waiting on you to be open to let it in.


In reverse, this card indicates some blockages to your spiritual self. Have there been signs and you’ve been ignoring them? Have you lost a piece of yourself by not trusting your intuition? Whatever it may be, know that the divine is here to connect with you and to open yourself. By closing yourself off, you block out the possibilities the universe has to offer you and stops you connecting with your spiritual self. There needs to be more trust on your side to what can be a great connection.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Spiritual Awakenings and New Beginnings


This door opens to some deeper understanding of eternal identity and the source of true value and power. This leads to a deepening connection to the spirit world. You may find yourself becoming more intuitive, more aware of spirits or more growing healing power. Now is the time to open yourself up to the guidance and inspiration from spirit. Your true identity will be revealed through this expansive energetic realm.


This card in reverse indicates some disconnect from your intuition or ability to maintain peaceful moments. You may be distracted from personal or trivial matters that deprives you of your spiritual connection. The way to overcome this is to try and let go of these distractions in order to bring about solutions of peace. This may require you to meditate to allow your connection to spirit to grow so then you can relax from there.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 



Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think i got the general gist of it. Good effort for today. There seems to be a general theme of doors for the next few cards.


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