Energy Oracle Cards - Door to Value


Door to Value

My Interpretation of the Card


There is much wealth to be earned if you take your opportunities - Wealth financially, abundance in knowledge or value. This is to show your hard work is about to pay off and the universe wants to send some goodness your way. Know that your value has not gone unnoticed and it is time for you to reap rewards. There are doors opening up for you and it’s about you walking through. They will take you to new heights and add value to your life in more ways than one. Trust that those doors that are being opened are exactly the ones you need to walk through.


In reverse, this card indicates some missed opportunities. There was value to be gained but you may have hesitated at the door of opportunity and the moment has gone. Sometimes when we are presented with some areas of gain, we tend to doubt rather than trust. This is not to say another prospect won’t come along. You will need to recognise the door when it is presented. There is much to be gained if you take the chance to walk through.



Guidebook Meaning - Summary

New Beginnings in Finance or Career


This card shows an opening to a place of bright potential. This marks a time of exciting new opportunities and beginnings where work or money is concerned. This may come unexpectedly or it’s been something that you’ve been working towards for some time. Keep your eyes open for this new beginning to appear in your life. Remain conscious to walk through the door and that anything of value is opening up to you.


This card in reverse indicates a partial or complete closing of the door. Your hopes of new opportunity where money or career is concerned has been delayed or completely derailed. Don’t lose hope as it’s a reminder to think outside the box on your efforts and expand your interests. Ask for guidance if you need to help open the next door for you. You will need to open yourself up in order for new sources of value to come into your life. You may have to open the doors to your self and take the time for peace and love, to find real value.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I thought my efforts were quite good. Didn't specifically focus on career and money per se, as much as I thought different types of value in life. I didn't want to take it as just money coming in or missed chances at money because value should be much more than monetary value.


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