Energy Oracle Cards - Fourth Chakra, Archangel Raphael


Fourth Chakra, Archangel Raphael

My Interpretation of the Card

Archangel Raphael is helping the energy flow through your heart chakra. Matters of the heart are going well whether it be relationships with friends, a partner or you having empathy towards others. You’re feeling very much the compassion towards yourself, other beings and the Earth. You feel very connected, you’re very much sharing a healing energy and are much at peace. You can use this energy to help others as it’s pure love that comes out of your heart.


This card in reverse shows blockages in your heart chakra. Someone or something has left you disheartened and you’ve lost your trust. Because of this situation, you’ve blocked your heart from openings and opportunities as it’s like you’ve placed a wall up. Maybe you have also questioned your self-worth as a result from this blockage. Archangel Raphael is here to come help heal you in the heart. You may have lost hope when it has come to matters of love, but allow the energy of Raphael to flow through in order to gain your trust in this area once more. Once this blockage is cleared, then you will be open again to possibility.


 Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Love, Compassion, and Self-Acceptance


This card indicates that you are ready to receive love from others as well as yourself. It can also indicate some healing that is needed from a previous relationship and Archangel Raphael is here to send green healing energy to your heart. This card encourages compassion from yourself and know that the light from your heart can shine through to the universe. The universe will send you people or situations that will allow your love to grow.


This card in reverse indicates a block of flow to your heart energy. Maybe there was a grief or sense of abandonment from a broken heart. This block prevents you from caring for yourself and attracting love from others. This may bring you pain and the unhappy feelings start to take over your life. It’s time to call on Archangel Raphael here  to come heal your heart. Raphael will bring clarity to your situation and help you through your feelings. Once cleared, see happiness return to you.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I remember having this card come up for a reading for another person in reverse so I thought that my interpretation was strong. Looking at the guidebook meaning for both positions, they both mention healing of the heart from past relationships. I think sometimes when this happens it throws me a bit because the card in either position could potentially mean the same thing.


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