Energy Oracle Cards - Fifth Chakra, Archangel Gabriel


Fifth Chakra, Archangel Gabriel

My Interpretation of the Card


This card indicates that you have had your throat chakra healed recently or are allowing the energy to flow through this chakra. You may have recently overcome an illness associated with the throat. You have the confidence to communicate what you need and can speak clearly to others. Archangel Gabriel is here to assist for allowing you to have free flowing communication to others. You have no problem addressing what needs to be said though may have to choose your words wisely to be sensitive in how you convey your messages to others.


This card in reverse indicates a block of flow to your throat chakra. You may currently be suffering illness to the throat and you can call upon Archangel Gabriel to heal this area for your recovery. You may also have difficulty communicating what you need to your friends, family or co-workers. Would it be so bad if you said what you needed to say? What’s the worst that could happen? Seek Gabriel in guidance on how to clearly communicate what you need. If you don’t say what you need to or lack the confidence to say what’s needed, it can hinder your goals and relationships. There’s no reason why you need to hold back on what you need to communicate.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Self-Expression and Speaking Your Truth


Archangel Gabriel is sending powerful energy to your throat chakra in regards to your readiness and power to communicate. You may have had trouble expressing yourself in the past but Gabriel is here to help you make the leap in expressing yourself truly. Speak up, write your thoughts down and let words flow. You are free to express yourself clearly and this may also be a time to communicate with spirit or telepathy with others.


This card in reverse indicates blockages in your throat chakra. Something in your past may have shut you down from truly expressing yourself, sharing ideas or feelings. You may also have a fear of self-expression. This card may also indicate some physical throat issues and that this part of your physical body needs healing. It’s good to clear the energy of this area on both accounts and call on Gabriel to help heal this area. Absorb Gabriel’s healing blue energy and help you build courage to speak your truth to not only yourself but those around you.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I remember doing a reading in reverse for this card, and the girl that gave me feedback said she was actually suffering a cold with a cough, and that's why I remembered this being related to not only the physical blockage of the throat, but also the communicative part of it. I think from that, I could do the upright reading surrounding communication. Didn't think about self-expression but it makes sense.


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