Energy Oracle Cards - Strategy



My Interpretation of the Card


It’s time to take control of your life. Have you felt that you are being stretched in all directions without any real confirmation on which path is right? As you can see there is a journal, compass, pen/quill and key. These are the tools suggesting that you need to create a plan for yourself and stick with it. You can jot down what has been working for you and what hasn’t. It’s about steering yourself for your long term goals. Along with that, short term goals should be created in order to support your long term goals. Although it might be a steady and slow course, it’s about making tracks towards some more direct lines towards your dreams and goals. The key is to unlock your plan with gradual progress for lifelong gain.


This card in reverse is indicating that you may have lost your way or things may seem that they are not going to plan. Sometimes in life we can get derailed from our plans and it may seem like everything is going wrong. This would be a time to reassess your goals as maybe they are not serving you for your truest self or you may be off course and need to steer the boat back into line. You have had your strategy but not stuck to the plans you originally planned. It’s time to think about where you’ve fallen off and pick yourself back up to continue onward. Ask for guidance if you’ve lost your way and the universe will help guide you.


Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Making a Plan


This card indicates an optimum time for setting a specific strategy for achieving your goals. There is a pen, journal, compass and key to signify that you are to write down the direction you want to go in. Be conscious of the plan you want to make and structure short term goals to make the long term goals a reality. It’s time to set things ni order and take full control.


When this card comes up in reverse it indicates that you lack strategy. You have goals but no idea on how to achieve them or your plans have come to halt and it’s time to re-evaluate your strategy. Although there may be an easy way to do things, this may not always be the right choice. Don’t let the mundane tasks of life steer you off course. You may need to re-think your strategy or starting a new strategy to achieve your goals. Try to take back full control of what you want to achieve.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I recently did a reading for a friend when this card came up. I remembered the upright card position well and wasn't far off the reverse. I think the more I look at the cards, the easier this becomes.


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