Energy Oracle Cards - Yin/Yang



My Interpretation of the Card


The timing is right for you to pursue your projects, goals and relationships. Everything will come into balance for you as you start putting in the time into the areas in your life that require focus. Everything has been moving swiftly on your path and the universe is telling you that the time is now. Grab the opportunity and use this time to bring your goals and relationships in fruition. There may have been some rocky times to have made you lose hope, but it was about having the patience for the right timing.


At the moment you may feel out of sync and nothing is going right. Have you been overworked? Are you neglecting areas of your life that need attention? Have you had enough rest? This card in reverse is telling you to slow down, reflect and think of ways to restore balance in your life. Things may continue in a disarray if you don’t take the time to heal the situation to bring back balance. Focus is needed so that your inner well-being is looked after for outer wel-lbeing.



 Passive/Active, Intuitive/Logical

Guidebook meaning - Summarised


This card in upright position identifies cyclic energy moving in or out of your experience. It is a time to receive through intuition. This card reveals the yin cycle with some actions lying under the surface. It is a time to wrap things up on some goals or projects. It is a time for reflection, being open and acting with intention.


This card reveals a yang cycle. This calls for a more logical approach to things but in a purposeful action. This is a time for new beginnings and creativity towards your projects and goals. This will is all about outgoing energy and you need to take heed with no delay. It may seem like an aggressive change but it’s a highly charged time for action.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I don't know much about yin/yang cycles to have full comments on this card. I've had more learning from the guidebook on this one. I look at the card and see balance rather that the true meaning of yin/yang but it makes sense to incorporate it.


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