Energy Oracle Cards - Walking Away


Walking Away

My Interpretation of the Card


This card in upright position shows a newfound power in your life. The gates are open and you’re walking through to a new beginning. Sometimes in life we need to walk away from those people or situations that do not benefit our wellbeing. You have recognised a change that needed to occur and you’ve mustered the strength to move on or forward in order to be living a better way. This may indicate a walking away from a romantic relationship also that no longer gives you what you need. Sometimes to find our true self is letting go of old patterns and habits that may be causing detriment in our lives.


This card in reverse indicates something or someone holding you back from being your true self. You may feel trapped, knowing and wanting more in your life, but unable to get out of the grips of what holds you back. You can seek guidance from the divine on how to manage this situation. You need to draw power and strength within yourself, to recognise that old patterns and habits that may be restricting you, and work through them in order to reach your highest potential. You don’t want to get stuck in a routine, cycling through this without any way to break out. This may be a time where you’re wanting to open yourself up to new opportunities and afraid to take the step. Trust in the universe and see the natural flow of events come through.


Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Letting Go, Moving On


The card shows a lady walking into an unknown future and closing the gates behind her. This reveals that you should do the same. There may be something coming to an end or you’re finished with and you’re ready for some new options. You may need to walk away from a career goal, a relationship or some long-term situation. Although familiar situations are what you’re accustomed to, it’s good to let go of old habits, patterns or beliefs. You have the power to live a healthier and freer life. It’s the right time to move forward from those negative patterns that are present in your life.


The card in reverse indicates a feeling of being stuck. You may have a job or relationship that isn’t healthy for you or serves as an old pattern that doesn’t serve you anymore. It may be time to consider walking away and trust intuition. Maybe the timing wasn’t right in the past but fear based decisions do not work well with your best interests. It’s time to take a look at the situation and be aware of the options. When you can recognise a negative situation, assess what you can do to move towards your own happiness which can mean walking away.


**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I thought that this was one of the easier cards to read. I remember having this card come up in one of my own readings and I remember it was about leaving my old habits to make way for my true self to emerge.


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