Messenger Oracle - Love Without Condition

Messenger Oracle Love Without Condition
Messenger Oracle

Messenger Oracle - Love Without Condition

My Interpretation of the Card
Love with a pure heart. See past people’s flaws and imperfections and surround them with compassion. If you love without condition, this opens your heart and soul wider. Love without needing or wanting anything in return. Be selfless in this way. You will see that by allowing your love to flow onto others, that you will feel energy changing within you that embraces the Divine. If we spread more love, the world would be a better place.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary
Do you often find it easier to give advice to others whilst neglecting to follow it yourself? Do you find it easier to nurture others and show them kindness and compassion? It is time to be kind and gentle to yourself; to love you without reservation or condition. Nurture yourself. Be kind to yourself as you are deserving of the same unconditional care and love that you give others.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I didn't relate my interpretation back to self love. I saw it as the love you may need to give to others at this time. It seemed like a magical card in that you may need to spread love onto others. I see now, that it could really reference both self-love and that someone else in your life might need your love. Something to think about.

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