Messenger Oracle - Make the Sacrifice

Messenger Oracle Make the Sacrifice

Messenger Oracle - Make the Sacrifice

My Interpretation of the Card
Sometimes in life we need to make sacrifices to level out a situation. We sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of others. It’s in those moments when you need to recognise which battles are worth fighting and when you need to let it go for the sake of those involved. It’s matter of “is it worth it?”. This is one of those moments to use your awareness in the situation and make a sacrifice that allows peace to come about. It’s not showing a weakness by doing so. In fact, it is strength that is within you to be able to balance those around you by making sacrifices.

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
You will not achieve the outcome you desire if you are unwilling to act upon your intentions. It is not simple as wanting something to happen or believing it will happen. You have o make it happen and to make it happen requires that you be willing to do whatever is necessary no matter the sacrifice. For everything you desire, you must give yourself in return.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took a different approach for this card meaning. I thought it was about the sacrifices we make to resolve a situation. The guidebook was about doing whatever it takes to achieve what you want, even if you have to sacrifice a bit of yourself to get it - makes sense. I will keep this in mind for any readings I may do.

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A recent 2021 edition has come out for this set of oracle cards. To purchase them, click on the picture below. Again, this is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission at no extra cost to you