Messenger Oracle - Need and Necessity

Messenger Oracle Need and Necessity

Messenger Oracle - Need and Necessity

My Interpretation of the Card
It’s time to take heed on your needs. Take a good look at your life and really think about what your needs are and that make you truly wholesome and balanced. By taking a look at your needs, it makes way for self-care and allows you to look at what’s going on in your life that may need work, old habits to be assessed, and giving yourself some love that you may have neglected. It’s time to bring about the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being that you read right now. You know what your needs are and it’s time to act.

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Night and day exist within the very same moment. Creation and destruction wear the same face. You only see one or the other because you are not seeing the whole. What you may see as harmful, another may believe to be good. All is based upon perception. In nature, all occurs according to need and necessity, not right or wrong. Ask yourself – is there a genuine need to act? Is change necessary for your continued well being and happiness? If the answer is yes, then act. If the answer is no, then do no.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
So, either I'm tired or I'm just not understanding the guidebook meaning at this time, but it's quite different to how I saw the message. I get that dark and light, night and day occur at the same time but my brain cannot comprehend how this relates to need and necessity. I understand towards the end of the guidebook meaning that asks yourself if you need to act or not towards your well-being and act only if you need to. The other parts, I'm not actually seeing the true point. I should probably go to bed now.

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