Sacred Power Reading Cards - Change

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Change

My Interpretation of the Card

Change is always imminent in our paths. It’s up to us and how we adapt to this change. You might find yourself torn between a choice soon. It might rattle things up though allows room for growth. Sometimes we have to burn the old traditions and beliefs we have of the past, and look towards a different thought process for our future. Dispel that which does not serve you in order for you to have a successful life. The path is yours and there are great things coming if you don’t hold yourself back.

Sacred Power Reading Cards Change

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Just like the seasons, new life is formed after a period of hibernation. Walking down a road of change allows you top see where you have been and where you are going. This can be confronting but allows you to recognise past issues in order to make better choices. Beginnings are often described as painful endings. Accepting your current position in life can offer power realisations about current circumstances. Right now, change is in the air. You are moving into the next cycle of life. You may feel uncomfortable but it is essential in your progression and growth. Surrender your fear in order to have a smooth transition. Be open to possibilities. Know that adapting to your new surroundings may take time.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I believe I was on the right track and probably needed to expand more. I felt like it was more of a out with the old and in with the new. Funnily enough I didn’t write that down and probably should have.  I just thought those trees are burning in the picture and that’s why I thought it must be getting rid of some old habits in order to welcome the new.

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