Sacred Power Reading Cards - Freedom


Sacred Power Reading Cards - Freedom

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s time to be allow freedom to come into your life. Have you felt the constraints of duty, work and possibly relationships holding you back? This may be a time to reflect and think about what you can do to break out of that mould. Maybe life has become routine and it’s about thinking what you can do for self to allow your spirit to roam. In allowing freedom into your life, it will allow balance to flow into your life. Right now, things may seem out of whack and it’s about nourishing what your spirit. Think about an activity that will feed that. Break away from life for a bit be free to do something that will restore balance.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Understand that everything in life is completely within your power to change. Once you cooperate with your soul’s request to be free of emotional and physical ties, you become limitless and can run free again. the horses bring news of personal journeys and new directions. The white horse brings truth, honour and integrity, whilst the dark horse brings shadow of mystery, pride and illusions. Bringing both together to breathe yin/yang balance and allows you to understand what is preventing your freedom. You may feel like you don’t have control in your life. You can decide how to react to the circumstances within your environment. Observe your surroundings and discover what your soul really wants. You already have the power and freedom to choose within you. Your soul requires freedom. By removing restrictions, you can move in any direction. Feeling trapped or burdened by family affairs, responsibility, finance, relationships and career sometimes makes us feel suffocated. Your soul is trying to release you from commitments as you yearn for the freedom to make your own choices. Your soul is asking you to be playful and have fun whilst you try to break away from old commitments. The horse asks you to simplify your life and expand your knowledge.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I was on the right track with these cards. I thought the explanation of each horse was a nice touch from the guidebook. I obviously didn’t go in that deep. I thought the card was all about bringing personal freedom into your life.


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