Sacred Power Reading Cards - Intuition

Sacred Power Reading Cards Intuition

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Intuition

My Interpretation of the Card

Why don’t you trust your intuition? It is always there guiding you and giving you answers that you may be choosing to ignore. Learn to trust. If you open up your third eye, it allows the Divine to connect and gives a direct flow to you. There is also an inner knowing within you towards any given situation. If something doesn’t feel right, trust that feeling. This card has come today to remind you to open yourself to what your intuition is trying to teach you. Don’t be fear it and listen to what comes through. Tap into the energy and power that comes from your “self”. If you don’t currently connect with your mind’s eye, this is an opportunity to learn. Close your eyes and attempt to connect and listen. You will find the clarity will come to you.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Your third eye is located in the centre of your forehead. Understanding your needs can be difficult if you spend too much time listening to others and not listening to yourself. The third eye forms a bridge between mind, body and spirit. Everyone has the power to awaken their third eye and strengthening the third eye increases clarity, intuition and concentration. Intuition can be strengthened by listening to your feelings and body messages. What is your body trying to tell you? Listening to your base instincts builds a relationship of trust with your intuition, senses and higher self. Right now, you must trust you inner knowing. You can access this at any time during meditation and a developed practise. Your third eye is open. Pay attention to the visions, thoughts and impressions of those around you. Spiritual realisation is a focus now. Enhance your personal power and listen to your senses.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I read this card well even though I’m a bit tired. It’s quite beautiful and reassuring that everyone can tap into their intuition. Tap into yours now!

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