Sacred Power Reading Cards - Manifestation

Sacred Power Reading Cards Manifestation

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Manifestation

My Interpretation of the Card

You have the power to manifest anything you want in your life with good intentions. For we are the masters and we are the creators of our life. We are in control in everything that we want to bring into our lives. There is nothing stopping you from creating the life that you want. You can ask a higher power for the opportunities to present themselves in your life. Not only can you ask but you also need to see the signs and synchronicities that will start to appear every day. Pay attention to your surroundings. Remember that your effort is needed to bring about change you want in your life – nothing is handed to you for free. As you work and place hard efforts into your creation and what you want in your life, stir your intentions through that determination.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Right now, you have the power to manifest your dreams into reality. With our thoughts and intention, you can create magic in the world around you. Allowing energy to flow through you with ease and with purpose, you can create a magical life. Learn to share your natural gifts with others. You are here to help humanity in a positive way. Refrain from sharing your personal intentions as they can be easily distorted by other people’s energy. You have the power to shine your light on the world. Positive thought and creativity will bring you closer to your goals, one step at a time. this is a time to see the magic in all things including beauty within the darkness.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think it was a good effort on my part. I just saw it more about personal power rather than shining your light on the world. Sometimes I think the focus should be on self in order to master that before we help others.

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