Sacred Power Reading Cards - Communication

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Communication

My Interpretation of the Card

Speak your truth. There is nothing wrong with telling others how you feel in a polite, respectful manner.  Maybe communication hasn’t been clear in your current surroundings and it’s about taking a different approach in order to put forth what you need to say. Maybe it’s about speaking up for someone who doesn’t have a voice, and it’s a chance for you to step up. Maybe it’s looking within and looking at how you communicate and how you can improve how you address and speak to others. Don’t be afraid to share your opinion and point of view even when you feel that others may misunderstand. Being bold and strong in what you want and need to say, develops over time. You will know the best approach with people when you can understand how to communicate with them.

Sacred Power Reading Cards Communication



Guidebook Meaning – Summary

We communicate with others using verbal and non-verbal techniques. It takes work and effort to improve our communication skills and with patience, they will develop over time. Arguments and conflict occur when we refuse to acknowledge information or negotiate. At the heart of relationships is communication. Hidden messages can be seen by looking at body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Improvements in these areas help to support solid friendships and relationships. Speak your truth with integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Spiritual communication may also be high right now – look for signs from the Divine in symbols or items such as music, feathers, numbers and animals. be open to receive. Right now, you may be asked to listen with empathy and gain new perspective by placing yourself in someone else’s shoes. Be respectful and lead by example by expressing yourself with honesty and dignity.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I could have expanded on spiritual communication as the card itself is quite spiritual. I think it’s all about understanding and also not being misunderstood. Being clear and respectful is quite important also.

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