Sacred Power Reading Cards - Community

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Community

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s time to find your tribe. The people that understand you and accept you for who you are. You may not realise that you have been gaining new friendships around you. Even though these people may not be grouped together, they all help form your community of people. Know that you are your truest self when you are around these people. You are fully unleashed and these people make you feel comfortable within yourself. This may also be an indication to step out into the world and create new relationships with people that you resonate with. Maybe you haven’t found your community and it’s time to seek it out.

Sacred Power Reading Cards Community

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You may feel like you don’t fit in with other people. Sometimes it’s just difficult to connect with others on a personal level and change your behaviour to seek approval from others instead of just being yourself. You shouldn’t try and fit into the mould and learn to love your differences. Find your tribe! The people, soul tribe or spirit tribe that understand you and love you. Create connections with like-minded people. Soul connections make you strong and powerful. Seek out your community – in maybe charity work, volunteering, community activities or join a group. Being part of a community gives you an understanding of the world in which you live.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I like this card. The artwork on it is amazing and so tribal. It gives off a sense of raw nature. I think I was on the right track with what this card was about. Being true to yourself by finding people that are like you and can accept you for all that you are. I find this is so important in your life.

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