Sacred Power Reading Cards - Rainbow Dragon

Sacred Power Reading Cards Rainbow Dragon

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Rainbow Dragon

My Interpretation of the Card

The rainbow dragon is here to remind you of your strength. That clarity can be brought to you and that you can naturally flow through any issue or situation that you face. You can approach anything with grace and conquer any challenge that presents itself to you. You can master your boldness and take control of what goes on in your life. Use the rainbow energy to let the positive and happy vibrations touch all aspects of your life. Whenever it rains, a rainbow appears when the sun shines. This can be applied to life – even when there are storms, remember that they pass and that you can move forward with light and love. Be strong, fierce and kind like a dragon and know that you can always create a happy outcome.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

The rainbow dragon is wanting you to act with honesty and truth. The dragon’s movement allows frequency and vibration of the rainbow to dissipate negative blocks and karmic debris, but only if you are willing to accept change required to break down walls and barriers that stop you from moving forward. Once you activate the rainbow dragon prepare for change. The dragon is a protector, harmoniser, destructor and creator – all in one! The dragon is here to raise the vibration and you are encouraged to follow your truth with honesty and integrity. Honesty is required in all aspects of your life. when you unburden yourself, you open yourself to the Universe. Ask the rainbow dragon to assist you through your current issues and work through your situation.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I took a similar approach to the guidebook. Not the exact same but quite similar. I wasn’t sure what would come up for me as I read this card. It’s not something you see every day and I haven’t overly worked with dragon energy. It’s a nice reminder of how to move forward without barriers.

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