Day 103 - A Year to Clear - Your Best Self

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Lesson 103: Your Best Self

It’s simple. Your life is how you see it. No one can beat you at being you.
— Joel Osteen

Today we are to write down all the words that describe our best self.  From there, focus attention to t for the day and without any apology.


My words:

·         Energetic

·         Unapologetic

·         Lively

·         Caring

·         Friendly

·         Nice

·         Patient

·         Loving

·         Adventurous

·         Fearless

·         Unworried

·         Empowered

·         Creative

·         Strong

·         Enriched

·         Enthusiastic

·         Fulfilled


There are probably a lot more words but then I feel they would be much of the same as the above. Today I will focus on being more energetic since I’ve felt drained 1 week ago. I was using a clear quartz crystal to do this for me this week and I felt good. I forgot to put it on today so I am on my own.

I will feed off the energy of the sun and just be my best self. It has actually made me wonder why we don’t just live the best versions of ourselves all the time. Maybe that is the lesson. Nothing stopping us from being all these things we want to be!