Day 128 - A Year to Clear - There Is No Separation
/Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash
Lesson 128: There Is No Separation
Today is about using your awareness with realising that “there is no separation” from you to the next person, your possessions or your home. There is a state of interconnectedness between all things and to imagine that the qualities we see in things or others, whether they are friends or enemies are just a reflection and/or extension of ourselves.
I believe that we are all connected on a sacred geometrical level so therefore our energies are interconnected also. If we are all states of energy or states of being, then aren’t we all somewhat absorbing each other’s emotions and feelings, and not only that, but influencing each other with opinions and values. We all build our own environments from things we’ve learned from parents, teachers, friends and society. We take a bit from here and there and build our own perception. In this way, even if you don’t believe in energy or sacred geometry like I do, don’t you think we are all connected in bits and pieces? We are not separate at all. Each and every one of us possess things we like in each other and to me, those are qualities we hold within ourselves.
I can’t see any other way of us not being connected as a whole. What do you think?