Day 165 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Energy Vibrates at...
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Lesson 165: Energy Vibrates at...
“Energy vibrates at a frequency. This is the same thing, using different words, as saying that consciousness unfolds.”
So, today I am to see take a moment of reflection and see what energy shifts have taken place since I started this course and what my vibration is like.
I have taken my life in a completely different direction to what I thought I would. I didn’t know what I wanted to ultimately do in life but since starting my spiritual path, I know what I need to do. I think the most part is truly accepting myself and knowing that there is a higher purpose for me and I have to work hard to achieve that. I think I am living my best life and I have this path I’m on to thank. What I have noticed is that I want to try and understand people better. I am more patient and tolerant that I have ever been before. I do have my angry outbursts at times but I become aware of my actions and try to dial it back. I think I am so much more self-aware than I ever have been and that’s a good thing! I think the major lesson so far is to have more compassion of self as I do for others. This is ultimately what I believe makes the world a better place and when we can forgive ourselves, it makes it easier to be kind to others. I know I want to help people in this world in my own way. I feel like I’m vibrating at a higher level than I was a year ago. It’s amazing how you can change in a year to the complete opposite of what you were. I was awakened and I never looked back. I know there are even more good things to come and I am going to make it happen.