Day 31 - A Year to Clear - Feeling vs Emoting
/Lesson 31: Feeling vs. Emoting
“Feeling as a vehicle for clearing is not the same as emoting.
Feeling is not an expressive act but an ability to open up the channels that allow information — be it highly charged or not — to simply pass through us.”
I’ve read today’s lesson over and over just to absorb it in my head. It’s taking awhile :P
What has been coming up lately is repressed memories that affected me at the time. I don’t hold onto these memories per se, it’s more like they don’t impact me. but they are in my subconscious resurfacing maybe to place the final nail in the coffin. I have been allowing this information to come through but I haven’t necessarily dealt with them all yet. I want to meditate tonight on it, learn the lesson and/or use compassion and then release it.
I have had the memory of my mum’s ex-boyfriend come up and some nasty stuff he said to me. I have dealt with that and feel like it’s done and dusted. It came as a shock to me because I hadn’t thought about that in ages and didn’t understand it’s relevance. But, with this compassion awareness in one of the lessons, I then understood what I needed to do. I feel like there will be a lot to confront but I know I’ll be happy once that day comes when there is nothing left buried. Now I have a lot of suppressed memories of ex-lovers popping up. I haven’t dealt with those yet but I will start meditating on them one by one. It’s not that I am avoiding them, it’s because a few came at once and I feel like I need to dedicate the right amount of time to each one. I feel like once I meditate on each of them, the information that is required will come to me and then I will release.