Day 109 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Purpose of Life
/Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Lesson 109: The Purpose of Life...
“The purpose of life is not perfection. The purpose of life is soul growth. As humans, we experience soul growth in the expansion of our hearts through the four passages: Pain, Compassion, Connection, Love. This is all we need to do here, in this lifetime. There is no other journey.”
Today’s lesson is all about how you approach life. If all that mattered in life was our soul growth, does the way you live change? I think we need to think about expanding minds to this concept and in doing so, it would definitely change our perspective. I believe just being open to it, indicates a change, whether we admit it or not.
For me personally, I have been open to the idea that we live to grow our souls. I don’t live a life of perfection. I haven’t lived this way for some time. I live for experience – the way I connect with people, the way I learn from myself and others, the unique memories I create. When I changed my way of being and living, it’s opened me up to so many more possibilities. I think I’ve learned more about myself in the past 10 months than I have my whole life. I had to sink to the deepest low to realise the strength I had and how it was one of the most memorable moments to launch me onto my spiritual path.
Everything we do is about engaging with other souls as well as work on our own souls. When we realise we are all interconnected from an energetic and sacred geometrical level, we all are one. We can grow as a whole if we want to. It’s about opening yourself and then opening others us to this way of being. This is what I am doing. This is what you can do also.