Day 302 - A Year to Clear - How Spacious Can You Be?
/Photo by Justin Medina on Unsplash
Lesson 302: How Spacious Can You Be?
“There are the obvious external clues of clearing success, of course: an emptier bookcase, more white space in your email inbox, a new love interest, a job offer. But what about the internal markers? How spacious, and detached and present can you truly be when the next family reunion rolls around? Or a child becomes seriously ill. Are you able to glide about your life without as much as a button getting pressed?”
New week equals a new theme and this week is “Marking Progress”. Very different from making progress. How does one mark progress? I guess the answer lies within the paragraph above. If we do physical clearing, our mark is made by having more space in our physical environment. But what about all the mental clutter we’ve got under control? Do we notice the progress then? I guess because I’ve been more down lately based on personal circumstance, I might not see the progress as I’m not in the best head space right now. But if I think back on the person I used to be, I would have had headaches by now with all the stress I would have had on my mind. I would feel the pangs of worry overwhelm my body, whereas now, I am better able to take on the load. Yes, I have a redundancy of my job to deal with, but I know it’s going to be okay. I remember that I can always return to breath if I need to. I don’t have a monkey mind like I used to. That to me is marking my progress. We shall see how the lesson unfold…