Day 137 - A Year to Clear - Not Allowed
/Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash
Lesson 137: Not Allowed
Once someone has said or done something towards you, it’s hard to forget what’s been said or done – wouldn’t you agree? I still remember the kids bullying me as a child and all the hurtful things they said. The power that words and actions have upon us is profound. There is no erase button for a thought that enters your mind as a result of things said or done from others, and even yourself!
Today’s lesson is all about how to ignore any comments or actions that are so powerful to cloud our minds. Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s message is “Bottom of Form
You just. Don't. Go. There.” It does sound so simple. Is it that simple though? She then proceeds to give a courtroom judge’s example of instruction when they remove a message from the record “Nope, can't use it. Sorry, not allowed.”
Honestly, this would take so much training to program your mind to let negative comments go. Even when people lace up their words with “no offence but…”, it’s a set up for a negative comment. I think for some of us, we can be reactionary. When someone says something, we may fire up and blast them for it. Other times we just soak up negative actions towards us and then we can curl into our self, and then close off. There are so many scenarios of how we as humans deal with things said or done to us. If we are to not to go there, it would take some processing on our part:–
1. Stop and think about what’s been said.
2. Process it in your mind so you don’t react.
3. Accept it as something that was said or done.
4. Don’t let it absorb further than just a comment or action.
5. Move on.
I think with practise this can be achieved. If we are trying to not overwhelm ourselves with negativity, I think it’s a good practise. Though when you’re having some good conversation and there may be an odd comment flung here or there, would you have enough time to go through those steps in order to not absorb the comment fully? Like, if you’re so engrossed, would you want to stop or just keep the conversation flowing, taking a moment later to refer back to it? I guess this is something that you’d have to consider, or not consider, and create practises that work for you to not absorb the negative actions.
I mean, the only thing I do is visualise a protective bubble around me and I ask that of spirit and the Universe to turn anything negative towards me into something positive or useful for me, otherwise I want the negative to bounce off it and go back to the Universe. So far I’ve found this visualisation to really work for me and I don’t feel people’s negativity rubbing off on me. Maybe I’ve subconsciously not absorbed negative stuff for a while and not realised I’m already practising it.
All I can say is, try this way of trying to release negativity from you and see what it does for you. I can only imagine good things.