Day 151 - A Year to Clear - Not So Boring

Lesson 151: Not So Boring

When we put away things in our home, they can be boring. But, what if we just applied some awareness to each task, do you find that your energy changes? You might find that resistance occurs as the first mechanism of your body and thoughts. Practise this for a minute every day and notice your feelings. You may find a boring task is not so boring after all also.

I find that clearing can be challenging in that I would rather be doing something else, so the task can get pushed back for another time. Simple things like washing dishes can become so hard. I think what I have to do is really tell myself to “just do it”. I try to not to over think things when it comes to cleaning. I just keep doing it until I’m finished. I try not to place thoughts towards it otherwise I find I will just resist doing it. It’s more a CBF more than anything.

How did you apply awareness to your tasks today? Did you feel better or worse for it?

Day 151 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Are Exercising...

Lesson 151: If You Are Exercising...

Exercise is a good method of releasing emotions and thoughts. Today we are to consider our efforts of exercise and movement and how we use them. If you use it as a method of releasing and clearing without awareness and consciousness, then you’re not truly releasing.

I personally use dance as a way to just get moving and feel good. I don’t actually do dance as a way of release. I do find that walking to and from work to be effective. If I have issues that I’m facing, I really start to dig deep into why I have a certain feeling toward it and then I try to be present afterwards. I mean I try and let things go and pretty much ask the Universe to take away anything that doesn’t serve me. I believe it’s working well for me when I just ask for it to be gone rather than it be stuck in my head. I think focusing on letting go of that which doesn’t feed me positivity seems to work out.

Are you using consciousness to release? What are you methods of movement that allows you to release and clear?