Day 163 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Body is Both Container and...

Photo by Edit Sztazics on Unsplash

Photo by Edit Sztazics on Unsplash

Lesson 163: The Body is Both Container and...

The body is both container and essence, physical and emotion, skeleton and soul. When you raise or lower vibration in one aspect, the other aspect is also raised or lowered. One affects the other, in synergy.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is all about raising vibration repeatedly throughout the day. Think about the first time you raised your vibration today and let that continually flow throughout the day.

I woke up today and caught up on my blog posts before heading to help out at my second job. I spent most of the day not really busy with customers, so I made some tea product, danced around to viking music and was cleaning and rearranging the shop. After this, I just went to a friend’s birthday dinner and had Mexican food. Now, I’m just watching Vampire Diaries in an attempt to finish the series I started so long ago. I’ve been quite hectic and tired, plus having my period has left me drained. Doing all these simple things raised my vibration because I felt good in doing them. Even though I felt run down, I could do simple things to raise myself up again. My body was in some physical pain but I fed myself in other ways to overcome it. 

What did you do today to raise your vibe up?

Day 163 - A Year to Clear - It's Not About You

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Lesson 163: It's Not About You

We all feel a rant coming on from time to time when someone has challenged us, abused trust, offended us or even neglected us. We allow anger or frustration to arise because that can be a natural reaction. Today we are to change the shift in how we react to those types of situations with a four word reminder “hurt people hurt people”. Anything that gets thrown to us may not necessarily be about us and is about the other person’s pain.

The only thing I can say that in regards to this lesson is that there will be times when someone has challenged you because you’ve done something wrong. I can say that this can occur at work and you’ve made a decision that doesn’t fit in with the business rules for instance, so therefore I think this type of challenge is valid. I think when you’ve stuffed up, there will be times when it’s about you and has nothing to do with someone else projecting their pain onto you – it’s a matter of recognising when someone else flinging their pain towards you and when you’re actually at fault.

I do also feel that sometimes there are times when I’m angry when it’s not someone projecting their pain onto me. It’s just a situation I get frustrated at and need to vent. This is not about someone flinging their pain onto me either.

Ok with that out of the way, there are times when I have felt the pain of others onto me. This usually comes out in a frustration and then projecting on or towards me. I listen because I care and try to understand the person’s situation. I try to reason and just listen. It doesn’t always work because that person’s frustration then becomes my own. Sometimes I vent out their frustrations and pain or it transforms into my own life. Sometimes I get angry at things and I’m not even sure why. This is why this lesson is valuable. I have to stop and think about whether what I am feeling is actually mine or not. Having to take a moment and think about it, is something I need to be more conscious of. It’s hard to do when you’re just going off on a rant, not realising that it might not even be your frustrations you’re going on about. Again, this takes practise but now we can be more aware right?

Did this lesson make you think about the pain you’re taking on from others and what you can do to identify if it’s yours or not?