Day 70 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Each Person on Earth Contains...

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

Lesson 70: Each Person on Earth Contains...

Today is very much acceptance of our shadow self and our Divine self. To imagine them as a whole in the centre of the body, acknowledging that the shadow part of ourselves – anger, pain, suffering, anxiety etc, is very much a part of all the notions we hold as “good”. We can become truly Divine when we can accept both parts to shape us into this whole. Once doing this visualisation, I am to note any changes in energy.

So, I visualised my shadow and divine energy in various ways. I saw one black wing in my back and one white wing. Then I visualised a black silhouette of myself on one side and a white silhouette on the other. I combined the energy to go to my solar plexus chakra and the energy became two fishes swimming around like a Yin Yang. Those two fish are just circulating and combining this dark and light side. Further to this, I feel that energy circulating and radiating out.

After this visualisation, I kind of feel a bit drained. Almost like it was a realisation I didn’t have before but have now been awakened to. But over the last few days, I know that this has been the theme of accepting the dark parts of our self, as well as the light/good sides. We are balanced beings by having the two. Maybe I am feeling a bit drained and woozy from the day I’ve had but not necessarily from that visualisation. Unless my body feeling drained is just more of an acceptance that helps my soul and my soul got a bit of a hit by receiving this information? No matter this feeling, I appreciated the meditation I had in encompassing dark and light sides.

Day 70 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 10 - Breathing In Calm

Photo by John Mark Arnold on Unsplash

Lesson 70: Check In WEEK 10 - Breathing In Calm

So, the weekly check in has me reviewing what I learned this past week with all the breathing exercises and what ways more “calm” has come into my life.

I can definitely say that I do feel more calmness as I practise and focus on breathing into situations. Like right now, I don’t really think about too much, except for focusing on my goals. I have done more healing visualisations with the breathing exercises and have felt overall goodness. I went to visit the Twelve Apostles today along the coast of Victoria, Australia (major tourist attraction) and I just stood there, closed my eyes and just breathed in the calm of that natural setting. It was amazing! Like what a nice feeling of calm that nature brought to me. I honestly believe visualising some positive images or goals, whilst doing your breathing, helps with it more. If we’re calming our mind, then we should also accommodate positive images to get us out of that stress, anxiety, worry etc. I think even just 5 minutes a day, if you are stretched for time, would make all the difference in the world.