Day 82 - A Year to Clear - Tour of Your Home
/Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash
Lesson 82: Tour of Your Home
Friday’s lesson is all about meditating and taking a tour of your home. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your own energy field/bubble. Starting at the front door, imagine yourself going through and note to yourself what you notice first. I notice every time I walk through my door that it is really heavy and I notice the shoes to the right. Go through every door and every room and notice through meditation all the areas that have stuck energy. My home is quite small and open living, so I notice everything. I looked at the kitchen, noticed the mess in the living room, walked up the stairs to my bedroom area and bathroom. It’s all about noticing the sensations rise as your walk through your home and notice objects or areas that have stuck energy via meditation.
Focus on one object and imagine there is a chair infront of it and sit down with this object. Mine is a toaster that is on the floor in my hallway needing to be given away. Without judgement, how does this item feel for you? And answer the following statements based on what the object reveals to you:
What I find most frustrating about being this space or object is _______
What I find most frustrating about being this space or object is______
What’s missing in my life is______
What I really need right now is______
And one way you can support me is______
My answers:
What I find most frustrating about being this space or object is that it’s taking up space for no reason
What I find most frustrating about being this space or object is that’s it’s an eyesore in which for some reason I can’t move
What’s missing in my life is an open living space
What I really need right now is to clear items that hold no purpose
And one way you can support me is by letting go.
Once you’ve got the answers from this object, reflect on the space and area that it’s in. Be sure to attend to this space in real life in the upcoming days and you can do what you need with it. After this, return to your front door in the meditation, leave a blessing for your home and exit. Return to your body here in the real world. You may have noticed things in your meditation that you didn’t before and the exercise was very much an awareness tool for your clearing.