Day 92 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - To Be Holy...

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Lesson 92: To Be Holy...

Lesson 92: To be holy does not mean to be mistake free! To be holy does not mean to be perfect! To be holy is to be everything: to hold complete integration of your human and Divine being, in one body.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is about thinking about the notion of “good” and “bad”. We are all conditioned with this concept - We feel good, we feel bad, that person is good, that person is bad etc. But what would happen if we did away with this? What if things were just as they were, neither good or bad. Whatever our situations or experiences, they just simply are. We make decisions that might turn out to be mistakes, but we should simply treat it as a decision that didn’t go according to plan, rather than saying it was a bad decision. We do things to make us feel really good, rather than to feel bad, but can’t we just categorise it as assisting in our own self-care?

We all are just all encompassing beings. The energy flows and it just is. Everything flows in and everything flows out. We accumulate experiences and it’s about achieving oneness to it all. This isn’t an easy concept to embrace. In fact, I think it’s quite difficult to train your brain into another way of thinking that is governed by society. I am currently trying to do away with the concept of “good” and “bad”, and just accept things as they are. You almost have to apply that saying “it is what it is” to do away with “good” and “bad”. I am trying to accept people as they are as well as situations. You really have to change your ways to be this accepting of this foreign concept and go with it. Definitely easier said than done, but definitely do try it! Let people and situations be as they are without any categorisation or judgement. It’s about being open to it all.

Day 92 - A Year to Clear - Get Spacious

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 92: VIDEO - Get Spacious

Today’s lesson is a video found on and we’re introduced into the new week’s theme “Getting Spacious."

It goes over the fact that we’ve been learning to “slow down, simplify, sense” and how we can’t move forward without “surrender” and “self-care”. Clearing shouldn’t be a chore but should be an enjoyable experience. The video speaks of a good cleansing ritual that you can use in your shower or bath – it involves mixing half salt and half baking soda and using this before the end of the shower by rubbing it all over your body or pouring into a bath to just soak in it. In some practises, salt is good for protection but also cleansing. So you can say, it’s a washing away of what was so that you feel refreshed to go into your clearing practises.