Day 175 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Person Who is Sated...

Photo by Ali Inay on Unsplash

Photo by Ali Inay on Unsplash

Lesson 175: The Person Who is Sated...

The person who is sated, who is overly full is also like a starving person; nothing that fills the mouth will ever satisfy.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is to look at our eating habits. Is there something you eat out of a habit? Or do you usually eat foods that satisfy you?

If I’m looking at my eating habits for winter, I know that I like to eat really rich, warm foods. I am not really sticking to any diet because I just want those heavy kind of meals. If the seasons change, then my food habits change – in summer I wouldn’t want to eat those heavy meals as it wouldn’t make me feel as good as in winter.

I will admit that there are times where I eat for the sake of eating and I eat because I have to so that I’m not hungry anymore. In these times, I’m not really caring what I eat, as long as I eat. I wouldn’t say that I am satisfied, in the sense of trying to indulge a craving, though it’s more about satisfying my hunger.

What are your eating habits like?

Day 174 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Person Who is Hungry...

Photo by Brijesh Nirmal on Unsplash

Lesson 174: The Person Who is Hungry...

Today goes to a lesson of hunger. The differences between ourselves to others. I have the privilege of not having to worry about the food I eat, where as someone who suffers from hunger would just be pleased to fill their stomach. We get so obsessive on our fad diets, eating clean, or even just indulging in some luxury food item, when there are so many people who don’t even get a choice nor do they get fed. I think that’s something we need to think about from time to time. Just how grateful we need to be. For this lesson we are to remember a time we were truly hungry and how that taught us. If you haven’t gone hungry in some time, how do you think it could teach you now?

I think the last time I was truly hungry was more recent then I care to admit. For some reason I thought it would be good to not have breakfast, because I was going to a café with a friend, though I didn’t consider the time it would take to get to this place. So, the whole car ride I felt ill as I was starving and probably had car sickness also.  I was lucky because I knew at the end of that trip would be a meal. I was going to indulge into something nice. Not everyone has this luxury. Some people don’t even get to eat the regular meals of the day. I think we take for granted this basic concept.