Day 243 - A Year to Clear - Conduct Your Own Happiness Study

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Lesson 243: Conduct Your Own Happiness Study

As the title suggests, in the next upcoming few days or weeks, conduct your own happiness study. But why? Much of this course and another course I do called “A Year of Spiritual Awakening in Your Inbox”, there is much talk about being open and expanding connection. If we are all interconnected, then we have direct influence on each other’s energy, in both positive and negative ways. The purpose of conducting your own study will show the impact your moods can have on your family, friends, colleagues etc. You sense of joy and happiness may be directly correlated to someone else that influenced you and then that spreads out to the people you know. Notice how the world is around you and the way it comes back to you.

I personally already know the effects of my environment and the people around me. It’s why I always try and stick with people that I resonate with. If I don’t particularly get along with someone based on their actions, words or values, then why would I spend time with them? I purposely surround myself with good people in order to always have a good happiness ripple effect. If I feel low, I know there are people that I can learn from. I don’t need to do a study to know this. Please do this task today if you have never taken a moment to notice. It may just surprise you in what you will see.

Day 242 - A Year to Clear - The Ripple Effect of Happiness

Photo by Kevin Young on Unsplash

Photo by Kevin Young on Unsplash

Lesson 242: The Ripple Effect of Happiness

With any emotion and feeling, we have the power to influence others with our energy and vice versa. If you’re happy in a room and people start picking up on that, do you notice their mood change? This is the ripple effect. Same goes for when someone is feeling angry, you might feel that energy come through to you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will automatically feel another person’s feelings, it can mean that there is an option for you to possibly change that mood around. If you’re feeling low, you might encounter someone’s positive energy and turn yourself around. I think what’s important is to check in with how you’re feeling. If you’re low, what can you do to raise your vibration? If you’re happy, how can you spread that around?

Sometimes you feel happy for no reason, just ride that wave. If we can be self-aware of the environment we’re in, it then allows us to adjust ourselves if needed, or turn someone else around. Sometimes when you feel off for no reason, take a moment to pause and look around what’s happening in the room. You may just need to shake up the environment to allow a positive flow.

Day 125 - A Year to Clear - The Ripple Effect

Lesson 125: The Ripple Effect

Even the smallest clearing effort — that is encoded with intention, action, non-identification, and compassion — creates a powerful ripple effect.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Today is all about reading the quote and truly understanding it. I am finding that it’s like building muscle memory. The more you apply awareness and compassion to your clearing efforts, the more it becomes second nature in your life. Not only this, but it extends to other aspects of your life also – the way you treat others, the way you interact at work, how you socialise. It gives a greater sense of self and how you understand yourself, not blaming yourself for the clutter you’ve created and then being able to move forward with patience for yourself.

With continued efforts, I think a weight is lifted off your shoulders as you feel lighter decluttering your physical and mental space. If you feel unrestricted, it’s more happiness and good flow of energy coming to you and this is noticeable for others. if people see a lighter, brighter you, then that also causes a ripple effect.

All in all, if you stick with your clearing efforts, it has a positive impact on you but also those around you.