Day 242 - A Year to Clear - The Ripple Effect of Happiness
/Photo by Kevin Young on Unsplash
Lesson 242: The Ripple Effect of Happiness
With any emotion and feeling, we have the power to influence others with our energy and vice versa. If you’re happy in a room and people start picking up on that, do you notice their mood change? This is the ripple effect. Same goes for when someone is feeling angry, you might feel that energy come through to you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will automatically feel another person’s feelings, it can mean that there is an option for you to possibly change that mood around. If you’re feeling low, you might encounter someone’s positive energy and turn yourself around. I think what’s important is to check in with how you’re feeling. If you’re low, what can you do to raise your vibration? If you’re happy, how can you spread that around?
Sometimes you feel happy for no reason, just ride that wave. If we can be self-aware of the environment we’re in, it then allows us to adjust ourselves if needed, or turn someone else around. Sometimes when you feel off for no reason, take a moment to pause and look around what’s happening in the room. You may just need to shake up the environment to allow a positive flow.