Day 112 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 16 - Letting Go, Letting Flow

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Lesson 112: Lesson 112: Check In WEEK 16 - Letting Go, Letting Flow

The week opened my eyes to how fluid any situation can be. It’s really simple when you’re observing other people – it’s like clockwork and routine. This is what this course is all about. Gaining those fluid skills to apply to clearing. It’s about the repetition in each task we do towards clearing that it becomes an extension of us and therefore becomes an easy, unforced task. It should be a natural flow that leads to our spaciousness. I realise that it’s me that can overcomplicate the clearing. I’m always reminding myself, it’s not a race, just do each part bit by bit and I will get the space that I desire. Slow and steady is good for me.

Day 108 - A Year to Clear - Your Spacious Zone

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Lesson 108: Your Spacious Zone

The theme of fluidity is continuing today. Is there something you can do today that will bring about a more fluid day? Is it something you can adopt ongoing?

The most simple exercise suggested is to take in a deep breath and exhale repeating “I choose ease”. You can adopt any phrase or mantra you like. Whatever embraces fluidity and helps you flow through life.

I decided to use the phrase “I choose mindfulness”. I think I can get overworked or overwhelmed by things that go on in my mind. I think if I can focus on mindfulness and proactively implementing this into my day, I am more productive in my day. Let the stresses escape my mind and just focus on the task at hand. If I’m productive at work, then that should transcend into my personal time. But, also not allowing so many thoughts that are no use to me cloud my mind. I think when I am at work, I get anxiety and stress. I need to let these thoughts go by being more mindful. Focus on the important things, getting through that in steps and then not think about it further once I’ve dealt with it. It takes some conscious effort to be more present. I got to let feelings go and not let it consume me.

Day 107 - A Year to Clear - How Fluid Can You Be?

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Lesson 107: VIDEO - How Fluid Can You Be? Hi, my name is Sven Otten, also known as JustSomeMotion. At the moment this channel is all about dancing. Over the years I learned many different styles to combine them to my own. After a long time without you guys, I'm glad to say that I'm coming back.

The lesson today is about watching the video and noting how it makes you feel. The idea is that the guy dances effortlessly and his body movements are fluid. This is to be “symbolic and energetic”. As he moves with ease, it’s here to teach us that we can be this fluid too, when it comes to our clearing activities. So the question is “How fluid do you want to be?”.

I think I could be a lot more fluid than I am. I think I am becoming more open and easy going, thought processes are being managed also. What I am not fluid in, is the physical excess and clearing efforts towards these. It’s a lot of stop and start but I don’t feel I’m fluid enough. I think time management is where I fail, though as I am typing this, I realised I should place calendar reminders in my phone and ensure that I dedicate even a minute a day at the same time of day to conquer this lack of fluidity. When watching the video, it was seamless – one movement that continues onto the next without thought. It would be nice to be this way and it’s definitely something to work towards.

What do you think of the video and how did it make you feel?

Day 106 - A Year to Clear - What Does Spaciousness Feel Like?

Photo by Kristina Wagner on Unsplash

Lesson 106: What Does Spaciousness Feel Like?

This week we are introduced to a new theme of “Letting Go, Letting Flow”. From this theme, I get the indication that there is some release to come and allowing the natural flow of energy to come through. Today’s lesson is about spaciousness and how it is a state of being rather you making it happen.

Today we are to describe spaciousness and what it feels like to you. For me, I think it’s like freedom, a clear space that is mine and I’m flowing through it. It’s also about being more open for me. Really embracing all that there is. The freedom to make choices of what suits you and what doesn’t work for you. It also is about the ability to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I think we can be expanding and forever growing which is part of being spacious.