Day 107 - A Year to Clear - How Fluid Can You Be?
/Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
Lesson 107: VIDEO - How Fluid Can You Be?
The lesson today is about watching the video and noting how it makes you feel. The idea is that the guy dances effortlessly and his body movements are fluid. This is to be “symbolic and energetic”. As he moves with ease, it’s here to teach us that we can be this fluid too, when it comes to our clearing activities. So the question is “How fluid do you want to be?”.
I think I could be a lot more fluid than I am. I think I am becoming more open and easy going, thought processes are being managed also. What I am not fluid in, is the physical excess and clearing efforts towards these. It’s a lot of stop and start but I don’t feel I’m fluid enough. I think time management is where I fail, though as I am typing this, I realised I should place calendar reminders in my phone and ensure that I dedicate even a minute a day at the same time of day to conquer this lack of fluidity. When watching the video, it was seamless – one movement that continues onto the next without thought. It would be nice to be this way and it’s definitely something to work towards.
What do you think of the video and how did it make you feel?